Nothing person's itinerary

Originally I was gonna make a youtube channel to document everything.
But then I thought making a website would be cooler(it would also fall in line with another project I want to start soon.)
It also seemed this way would be easier to keep track of drawings and other things that would be kinda weird to put in a video.
Hopefully I stick with this website, and everything else that I started doing.

What you'll soon expect to see here is:

Of course all this comes after I figure out how to properly design a website...

Last edited 7/17/24 at 12:56am

Nothing Person

Its a bit strange to acknowledge this about myself and type it out for others to see, but whatever!
For that past 18 years of my life I have never truly done anything that most would deem "defining" for a person.
I have never pursued any intrest of any sort. I have never delved into any topics or concepts. I don't really have any ambition either.
My friends around me seem to know alot about random things, and they are also extreamly talented to boot!
Now I won't deny that I might just be subconsciously feeling inadequate around my peers.
But another strange thing is that I don't really seem to care that i'm somewhat behind everyone else.

Am I just feeling lost in life?

Maybe my evaluations of myself are wrong.

How long will feel like this?

Eventually all of these thoughts and emotions reached a boiling point. Came to the conclusion that I have to change.
So I decided to pull up my bootstraps and give as many things as I can a shot!
I kinda jumped head first into alot of things, but I think I will be able to stick to the things I am currently working on.
And this website hopefully is where ill document my venture into figuring out what I am capable of!
And maybe Ill have a bit more incentive to actually finish things...

hopeless guy